The Réseau pluridisciplinaire d’accompagnement et de soutien aux addictions asbl (Résad) is the brainchild of a group of doctors to respond to requests that addressed their people facing addiction problems. It consists of general practitioners in various consultation places, welcoming and accompanying people facing problems of addiction, whether users or people in contact with the users. The practitioners’ support by the Résad allows drug users to remain in care facilities, social and non-specialized psychological help.
The Résad provides stakeholders to support their work and reflections by the implementation of training, intervision and received the first requests of users and their families to provide them quality care through general consultations with possibilities of guidance and psychosocial following.
Résad has as purpose to
- bring together people interested in the therapeutic care of addicts in non-specialized environment, in a multidisciplinary network.
- create a support structure, for assistance and ongoing training in this area.
- foster care for drug users by general practitioners in medical centers or private practices, integrated into their patient base. The RAT is, indeed, support for physicians who use substitute products in the treatment of their addicted patients (among other provision of advice, information, psychosocial support, etc.)
- provide support to general practitioners and first responders engaging in substance abuse treatment.
- contribute to broadening the scope of knowledge of addiction and its treatment through the evaluation of our clinical practice, the publication of its results, and our reflection on practice-led groups.
Réseau pluridisciplinaire d’accompagnement et de soutien aux addictions asbl (Résad)
rue du Tabellion 64
1050 Bruxelles
Phone : 02 534 87 41
E-mail : secretariat(@)
Website :