féda brussels, the Brussels Federation of Institutions for Drug and Addictions federates 30 institutions active in awareness, prevention, harm reduction, care and support relative to the consumptions of psychoactive substances and addictions.
Besides its expertise in the field of legal and illegal drug use and addictions, féda brussels is characterized by the diversity of its members. The federation consists of outpatient services and residential centers of crisis and treatment, information services for the public, for inmates and for professionals, syringe exchange programs and training organizations.
féda brussels also relies on a network of private general doctors, a low threshold social-health house (MASS) and a rehabilitation project through sports activities, institutions specialized in dual diagnosis (drug use and psychiatric disorders), drug prevention programs, … The list is not exhaustive but this variety of projects allows to understand the complex and evolving phenomenon of use of psychoactive substances and dependencies.
Given the diversity of issues, the féda brussels is linked to many different sectors, and is a member of :
- CAAP, Concertation des Associations Actives en Prisons,
- CBCS, Conseil Bruxellois de Coordination Sociopolitique,
- CBPS, Centre Bruxellois de Promotion de la Santé,
- Comité de Vigilance en Travail Social,
- FORUM, Bruxelles contre les inégalités,
- PFCSM, Plate-forme de Concertation pour la Santé Mentale,
- SMES-B, Santé Mentale et Exclusion Sociale – Belgique ;
At the international level, féda brussels is a member :
- Correlation Network, European Network Social Inclusion & Health,
- European Civil Society Forum on Drugs (CSFD),
- IDPC, International Drug Policy Consortium,
- ISSDP, International Society for the Study of Drug Policy,
- VNGOC, Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs.
féda brussels is recognized by the French Community Commission (FCC).
Office & Headquarters : Siège social & bureaux : Rue Washington 40, 1050 Brussels (Belgium)
Company registration number: 0433.424.011
NSSO : 222.1202094.80
RPR Brussels