Working Group Prison

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The Working Prisons is supported by and organised from FEDITO BXL. It is composed of Services Active in the Drug Sector (SAT), with action fields such as health, prevention, housing, risk reduction, orientation and information, …

The SAT, members of FEDITO BXL, and invited services, aim to, based on their experience in prisons, create a space to reflect and start a working group for themes “drug use/health/prison”.

The meetings of the working group, which could lead to actions (articles, political or other questions, support of the SATs that are active in prisons, …), are decided and presided by the members, with support from FEDITO BXL.

The working group will base their work on the Working Charter (pdf in French) (10.90 KB) that needs to be accepted by all members that wish to participate.


* These non-profits are also a member of the CAAP (Working Group of Organizations Active in Prisons).

Contact person

Josette Bogaert (CAP-ITI)
Tel. : 02/538 47 90
E-mail: capiti(@)

On the web : Website for the call to transfer the powers of “healthcare of prisoners” to the Federal Department of Justice and the Federal Department of Social Security, launched by the CAPB. Documents –  voor een overheveling van bevoegdheden van « gezondheidszorg van gedetineerden » naar de FOD Volksgezondheid en de FOD Sociale Zekerheid, gelanceerd door het CAPB.


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