Principes d’intervention non policière pour répondre aux questions et aux situations d’urgence liées à l’usage de drogues

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we are the drug policy allianceLa Drug Policy Alliance propose des principes pour guider les décideurs politiques dans le développement d’alternatives aux interventions policières, centrées sur les personnes et la réduction des risques.

We all care about the health and safety of our communities. Some of the top concerns we hear about include the overdose crisis, public homelessness and drug use, and perceived“nuisance” issues. It’s important that we invest in communities with the resources they need to thrive, including becoming safer and healthier.

Some policymakers, however, prioritize policing and other enforcement tactics instead of investing in communities in the ways they need. Routinelyusing police to respond to overdose, health crises, and perceived “nuisance” matters has contributed significantly to excessive police budgets. It has also led to far too many incidents involving the unnecessary use of force by police. In the pursuit of drugs, police have been given unchecked power to use aggressive tactics. In too many instances this has led to killings, particularly of Black, Latinx and Indigenous people. Communities nationwide have increasingly realized that business-as-usual policing has not stopped problematic behaviors and drugs are cheaper, more available and more potent than ever. It has caused even deeper problems, like riskier drug use patterns, a growing overdose crisis, and police violence.

Read more : Fact Sheet • Principles of Non-Police Response to Drug Use Concerns and Emergencies (Drug Policy Alliance, August 23, 2023)

Source : Newsletter de l’IDPC