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Webinar: – Make Naloxone available and save lives – challenges and good practice examples for effective take home naloxone distribution in Europe

26 novembre 2020 à 14:00 - 16:00


Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en english.

The aim of the webinar is to discuss current challenges and critical factors, which hinder the effective and broad implementation of take home naloxone programmes. Experts, including professionals, researchers and People Who Use Drugs (PWUDs) will share their experiences, present good practice examples across Europe and discuss new ways forward. The exchange is supposed to provide insights and will inform the development of practice and policy recommendations.

More specifically we would like to discuss the following topics:

  • Which barriers and critical factors hinder the effective implementation of THN programmes?
  • Which success factors are at place in those countries, where THN programmes are implemented effectively?
  • How can countries and service providers overcome barriers in the implementation and learn from other experiences?

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Date :
26 novembre 2020
Heure :
14:00 - 16:00
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