24h / 24h help, counseling, medical treatment, psychiatric and consumption disorders, family and relative support, help with administrative formalities.
24h / 24h help, counseling, medical treatment, psychiatric and consumption disorders, family and relative support, help with administrative formalities.
CATS – Le Solbosch
Residential aftercare center. Proposes to experience abstinence to engage in individual therapeutic work (physical, psychological, social and medical) and teamwork.

Centre Médical Projet Lama
Health center for drug addicts, rapid availability of substitution treatment, psychological, medical and social consultations, help with reintegration.

Reducing social and health risks related to drugs’ consumption in precarious environment, street work, needle exchange counter.

The FARES (Respiratory Diseases Fund) is an association dedicated to the prevention of smoking, prevention and monitoring of tuberculosis and chronic respiratory diseases.

L’Ambulatoire – Forest
Non-medical counseling, rehabilitation assistance, support and guidance for prisoners.

Le Pélican
Support groups, psycho-social consultations, support and reintegration for people addicted to gambling, alcohol or other drugs.

Liaison Antiprohibitionniste
Association of people affected by the policies on drugs. It campaigns for a political alternative to prohibition.

Point d’appui aux écoles en matière de prévention des assuétudes (PAA)
The PAA is an interface between the structures specialized in prevention and the school community, depending on the Brussels Centre for Health Promotion (CBPS).

Réseau Hépatite C
The Hepatitis C Network is active in raising awareness, prevention, risk reduction for all those affected, or likely to be reached, with the hepatitis C virus.