The MASS’s main mission is to make contact with the most marginalized drug users to reduce the harmful consequences of drug use without immediately stopping this aim consumption. Psychosocial counseling and substitution treatment is provided in the institution’s premises. MASS also provides day-shelter to users within the limits of capacity of its premises.
The practice of low-threshold can affect a particularly vulnerable population normally without access to care. It thus allows optimizing accessibility to substitution treatment with methadone for heroin addicts.
Our objectives revolve mainly around four axes:
- Increasing and maintaining contact, towards a hidden fringe of addicts “escaping” to the existing offers;
- Limitation of damage related to the use of drugs and improved quality of life;
- Functional reeducation for a high level of adherence, which should allow insertion in a rehabilitation process, (re) discovery of useful skills to the construction of a life project;
- Shift to the existing network, after evaluation.
Maison d’Accueil Socio-Sanitaire de Bruxelles asbl
Rue de Woeringen, 16-18
1000 Brussels
Phone (therapists) : 02/505 32 90
Fax (therapists) : 02/505 32 99
Phone (administration) : 02/505 32 97
Fax (administration) : 02/505 32 98
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