L’Ambulatoire Forest



L’Ambulatoire-Forest has two sub-teams: one is denominated as The Prism and the other is the psychosocial team.

The PRISM team (SPF Justice) goes to prison to do work for dependent and incarcerated patients who are asking for help and also for sending them to all psycho-medical-social services involved. The main objective is in the reflection, in the development of a realistic reintegration plan, specific to each person. It aims in particular the acquisition of a larger relational and social autonomy.

In the patients, we include some former residents of CATS (Reception Centre and Treatment Solbosch), historically linked to the Ambulatory Solbosch and active in the same premises.

The team of the Ambulatory – Forest (COCOF) ensures the reception and the non-medical following of alcohol users, drug and / or medication of patients with previous or current difficulty court order. This support has the objective of reintegration of applicants.

These are intended to Brussels’ inmates (prisons of Forest, Saint-Gilles and Berkendael).

Work with the relatives (age groups) is a preferred axis of work.
Special attention is reserved for persons convicted under the status “interned” (SPF Public Health).


Ambulatoire Forest asbl
Chaussée d’Alsemberg 208,
1190 Brussels
Phone.: 02/648 50 18
Fax : 02/649 21 58
E-mail: info(@)ambuforest.be
Website : http://www.ambuforest.be

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