C.A.T.S. – Le Solbosch (Centre d’Accueil et de Traitement du Solbosch) is a residential centre that shelters adults for whom the use of alcohol, drugs or medication has become a problem. We propose to experiment with abstinence to then focus on individual, therapeutic work (psychological, social, physical) and group work. We also seek to work on a family level. The medical follow up is done by a general practitioner and a psychiatrist. The inhabitants, on average twenty people, stay the night in a therapeutic community and take part in the organisation of daily life (cooking, cleaning, garderning, building maintenance, etc.). They also have moments of recreation, sport and creativity (painting, theatre, etc.).
There is a contract to sign for five months, that can be extended by one or more contracts for three months. After the first six weeks, the inhabitants get one night a week and the weekend to leave the centre without an escort. With the help of the team, the emphasis lies on reintegration.
Resuming a profession is possible in the last two months of the stay. There are four inhabitants in our halfway house, a place to stay for those who have stayed in the community. The goal is to be confronted with the possibility of greater autonomy while maintaining therapeutic work and social reintegration. After leaving the centre, the person can have the option of follow up.
To stay in the CATS, the person needs to take the initiative themselves. An information session, open to all (loved ones, family, professionals, etc.), explains how the centre works and talk about other possible approaches through the network. Following that, there are two conversations that can be seen as an admissions procedure. During the second meeting, there is a visit to the house. After being admitted, the candidate can be housed in the community.
C.A.T.S., Shelter and Treatment Centre of Solbosch
Alsembergsesteenweg 206,1190 Brussels
Tel. : 02/649 79 01
Fax. : 02/639 08 22
E-mail : info(@)
Website :