Transit is a center of crisis and emergency but also sheltering and accommodations.
It is for any drug user who has reached majority, alone or in pairs; with or without child (ren); in situations of psycho-social crisis.
Transit is also :
- An open needle exchange counter 7/7 from 8 pm to midnight : L.A.I.R.R. (Home Location Information and Risk Reduction).
- Eight supervised apartments.
- Street work.
- Visits to detainees in the prisons of Forest, Saint-Gilles and Berkendael.
- Active participation in different drug user support networks.
- The headquarters of the C.L.D.B. (Local Coordination Drugs Brussels).
Transit asbl
Rue Stephenson, 96
1000 Brussels
Phone : 02 215 89 90
Fax : 02 215 60 10
E-mail : email(@)
Website :